Important 9/11 VCF Deadline

HomeImportant 9/11 VCF Deadline

The recent deadline doesn’t mean it’s too late to register. There’s still time for you to register with the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.

In addition to the eligibility requirements of exposure to toxic dust at a 9/11 crash site and the development of a covered illness or injury, there are important deadlines that determine whether or not you may still file a claim. These deadlines primarily apply to the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, the 9/11 benefits program that issues monetary compensation awards for the pain, suffering, and lost earnings caused by 9/11-related physical conditions.


If you or a loved one were in Lower Manhattan between 9/11/2001 and 7/31/2002 you may be entitled to compensation. Remember…there is still time to apply and the 911 compensation lawyers at our firm are standing by to answer any questions you may have about deadlines as they relate to your particular circumstances.


The applicable deadline is the date by which the required forms must be submitted/uploaded to your online claim or postmarked (if sending by mail). If the date falls on a Sunday or a Federal Government holiday, the forms must be submitted/uploaded or postmarked by the next business day for a 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund claim are registration and filing deadlines.

Our 9/11 Compensation Lawyers Explain the Registration Deadline

The first deadline is the date by which you must register your claim with the Victim Compensation Fund. This date is different for each claimant and depends on individual circumstances, most importantly the Registration Start Date.

The Registration Start Date is defined as the date on which the claimant knew or reasonably should have known: (1) that the victim suffered physical harm as a result of the terrorist-related aircraft crashes of September 11, 2001, or debris removal in the immediate aftermath, and (2) that the claimant was eligible to file a claim with the VCF.

Prior to the newly announced deadlines, the VCF declared the start date of the two-year deadline to register for 9/11 victim compensation as the date on which an illness or condition was first diagnosed. The below chart lists the deadlines that correspond to the claimant’s individual Registration Start Date.


VCF Registration Deadlines for Personal Injury Claimants

Victim’s Condition Registration Start Date Registration Deadline
Non-Cancer Conditions On or before 10/3/11 10/3/13
On or after 10/4/11 Two years after Registration Start Date, but no later than 10/01/2090
Cancer (excluding prostate and rare cancers) On or before 10/12/12 10/12/14
On or after 10/13/12 Two years after Registration Start Date, but no later than 10/01/2090
Prostate Cancer On or before 10/21/13 10/21/15
On or after 10/22/13 Two years after Registration Start Date, but no later than 10/01/2090
Rare cancers added to the WTCHP list on 2/18/14 On or before 2/18/14 2/18/16
On or after 2/19/14 Two years after Registration Start Date, but no later than 10/01/2090
New-Onset Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease On or before 8/4/16 8/4/18
On or after 8/6/16 Two years after Registration Start Date, but no later than 10/01/2090

VCF Registration Deadlines for Deceased Claimants

Victim is Deceased and Died of: Date of Death Claim Filing Deadline
Non-Cancer Conditions On or before 10/3/11 10/3/13
On or after 10/4/11 Two years after the date of death
Cancer (excluding prostate and rare cancers) On or before 10/12/12 10/12/14
On or after 10/13/12 Two years after the date of death
Prostate Cancer On or before 10/21/13 10/21/15
On or after 10/22/13 Two years after the date of death
Rare cancers added to the WTCHP list on 2/18/14 On or before 2/18/14 2/18/16
On or after 2/19/14 Two years after the date of death
New-Onset Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease On or before 8/4/16 8/4/18
On or after 8/6/16 Two years after the date of death

Filing Deadline

The second deadline is the date by which you must fully file your completed forms and all required supporting documents. This date is the same for all claimants: October 1, 2090. If the government does not have everything it needs to process your claim by this date, it is possible your VCF claim will be denied or inaccurately calculated with no recourse.

Fund Closure Date

The 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund is currently due to close on October 1, 2090. No new claims or documents will be accepted beyond this point, although pending claims may continue to be processed as is – meaning it is very important to fully submit a complete claim as soon as possible.

Funding Limitations

In addition to the above deadlines, the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund has limited funding available. Compensation awards are currently being disbursed on a first-come, first-serve basis, with no plans for additional funding.


Generally, there are no deadlines concerning the World Trade Center Health Program other than its 2090 expiration date.

For more information about the 9/11 benefits deadlines of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund and the World Trade Center Health Program, contact the 911 compensation lawyers Pitta & Baione at 844-901-1312 or