Asbestos, a material used in building and construction for years, is known to cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis.
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is found in the mesothelium tissue of the body. This tissue lines vital organs, including the lungs, stomach, and heart.
Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease caused by breathing in asbestos. We now know that asbestos causes severe illnesses, of which there are many types. Pitta & Baione LLP can help you file suit against asbestos manufacturers or file a claim with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund if you have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness.
As with other cancers, diagnosing mesothelioma requires a biopsy to examine the affected cells. Initial image testing such as CT scans will help the doctor identify the affected areas and develop a treatment plan. Surgery may be needed to remove cancerous cells and tumors, but often mesothelioma is too advanced to remove the cancer.
Surgery can still treat symptoms, such as surgery to drain fluid from the chest or remove some of the damaged tissue to relieve pain. Chemotherapy and radiation may be used to remove some of the cancer cells and stop the further spread of cancer.
Mesothelioma and Talcum Powder
Talcum powder is a common household good that has had widespread use for over a century. During this time, it has been used as an ingredient in baby powder, cosmetics, medication, and personal hygiene products. However, as early as the 1950s, there have been reports that indicate that talcum can lead to mesothelioma due to its connection to asbestos. The primary ingredient in talcum powder, talc, is mined near asbestos deposits and in most cases, the transfer of asbestos to talcum powder is inevitable.
Unfortunately, even though these reports were continuously circulated throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, there is still no government-mandated ban on talcum. As a result, several lawsuits have been filed against companies that were responsible for its distribution, including Johnson & Johnson, Avon, and Colgate-Palmolive. Individuals who have consumed products with talcum in them may be eligible for compensation if they have developed mesothelioma or related diseases.
Asbestos in Cosmetic Powder
Talcum powder is an ingredient in a variety of household goods, including cosmetic powders manufactured by Avon, Claire’s, NYX, and many more. As the connection between asbestos and talcum powder became more well-known, FDA testing was conducted on face powders, blushes, foundations, and other products to determine whether asbestos was present.
In many cases, these tests came back positive. While the levels of asbestos in these beauty products are often considerably low, the connection between the use of beauty products that contain talcum and mesothelioma cases is considerably high because they are applied to the skin and face and have a higher chance of being inhaled.
Mesothelioma and Military Service
The connection between military service and mesothelioma risk has been widely known since at least the 1950s however because mesothelioma often takes many years to develop, the bulk of these cases have only been initiated over the last several decades. Nearly every branch of the US military (including the Army and Airforce) had some asbestos exposure, however, the Navy was highly exposed because nearly every ship manufactured between the 1920s and 1990s was insulated with asbestos-laden materials. While aircraft and other military vehicles were also insulated with materials containing asbestos, the Navy was exposed for longer periods during long ocean voyages.
The US Department of Veterans Affairs recognizes mesothelioma as a service-related illness and allows veterans who have suffered an illness due to asbestos exposure to seek compensation for their illness. Pitta & Baione can help connect veterans to these resources as well as first responders who may have been exposed to asbestos during the 9/11 World Trade Center Attacks.
Mesothelioma Related to Employment
While US military members make up around 30% of all mesothelioma cases, many other types of careers are more likely to be exposed to asbestos and as a result, develop mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases. A majority of these occupations are manual labor jobs where asbestos is used as a building material. Sadly, even individuals who have since retired from these positions can still develop mesothelioma many years after leaving their jobs.
Occupations Most at Risk for Mesothelioma
Some of the occupations most at risk for mesothelioma include the following:
Shipyard Workers
Apart from military service, the second most at-risk occupation for mesothelioma is arguably shipyard workers. Most ships built before the 1990s were insulated with products that contained asbestos. This includes the walls of the ship itself, but also the pipes, boilers, and engines as well.
Shipyard workers and any other individual who primarily works on ships built before 1990 is an incredibly high risk for developing mesothelioma and may have the option to sue for compensation if they already show signs of an asbestos-related disease.
Construction Workers
In addition to ships, it is well-known that most buildings including residential homes and commercial or business fronts were also insulated with asbestos products. However, insulation was not the only building material that contained asbestos before the 1990s when asbestos started to be phased out. Other construction materials that may have contained asbestos include drywall, cement, roofing, and floor tiles, not to mention other hazardous materials such as lead pipes.
Anyone who had direct or even secondary contact with these building materials may be at risk for developing mesothelioma. Construction workers of various fields likely all had exposure at some point, but especially those who cut, drilled, or handled the materials and inhaled the byproduct. Thus, construction workers who previously worked in demolition are arguably the most at risk, but even current demolition workers are at risk because many of the homes built with these materials are still standing.
Firefighters face asbestos exposure when responding to fires in older buildings that contain asbestos-based insulation, flooring, or roofing. When these materials burn or break down, asbestos fibers become airborne, increasing the risk of inhalation. This danger was tragically evident for 9/11 first responders, who were exposed to massive amounts of asbestos and other toxic debris when the Twin Towers collapsed.
Our firm is proud to stand with firefighters and other 9/11 first responders in their pursuit of compensation for their sacrifice, and we have tirelessly worked to advocate on behalf of first responders and their families for over a decade.
Industrial and Power Plant Workers
Industrial and factory workers in plants that manufactured asbestos-containing products, such as textiles, cement, and insulation, were frequently exposed to raw asbestos fibers. Workers handling asbestos materials in production lines or operating machinery in asbestos-heavy environments often inhaled airborne fibers without realizing the danger. Many of these factories had poor ventilation, allowing asbestos dust to accumulate in the air and on workers’ clothing.
While there are very few factories that manufacture asbestos products today, they do still exist, and regardless if a worker was exposed 75 years ago or just this year, they have a right to pursue compensation for any illness that may come with the exposure.
Auto Mechanics
Asbestos insulation is not just a risk for those who manufactured it or used it to build houses or ships; the auto industry also commonly uses it in cars, trucks, vans, and practically every other type of motor vehicle. Asbestos was also used in brake pads, clutches, gaskets, and other auto components. Anyone who works intimately with old cars or who did so when asbestos materials were commonly used may be at risk for developing mesothelioma or other diseases.
9/11 Mesothelioma and Asbestos Disease
The attacks on the World Trade Center left a tragic mark on our history. As the towers crumbled, debris and building materials fell, making the recovery process even more dangerous. The materials in the building remain included asbestos, a substance known to cause deadly disease.
If you or someone you love suffers from mesothelioma or an asbestos disease related to exposure from September 11th, contact the attorneys at Pitta & Baione to discuss your eligibility for benefits under the Victim Compensation Fund or a potential lawsuit against the asbestos manufacturers.
The Victim Compensation Fund was established to compensate survivors of September 11th for 9/11-related illnesses. The World Trade Center Health Program covers mesothelioma disease found in the pericardium, peritoneum, pleura, (membranes that encapsulate major organs of the body), and other places in the body. Knowing more about these covered conditions will help you understand your claim for benefits under the Victim Compensation Fund. There are strengths and weaknesses that must be weighed when choosing to file a claim for asbestos-related conditions through the Victim Compensation Fund vs. a lawsuit against asbestos manufacturers. Since you can only choose one, it is important to consult with an attorney familiar with both options prior to filing.
Mesothelioma and asbestos disease severely impact the lungs’ ability to breathe. It can take years after exposure to asbestos before signs and symptoms appear. Symptoms of these diseases generally include:
- Shortness of breath
- Persistent, dry cough
- Loss of appetite and weight loss
- Chest tightness or pain
Additional symptoms of mesothelioma can present more specifically in the areas affected by a particular type of mesothelioma. For example, peritoneal mesothelioma, which affects the abdomen, may cause abdominal pain and swelling as well as nausea. Pleural mesothelioma, which affects the lungs, can cause fluid in the chest and difficulty swallowing.
If you or a loved one suffer from mesothelioma or asbestos diseases related to exposure from September 11th, contact a 9/11 lawyer at Pitta & Baione by completing our online contact form or calling us to discuss your eligibility for benefits. If you or a loved one has an asbestos-related disease that resulted as an occupational hazard, military service, or talcum powder use, our firm can also help connect you to resources to help you seek financial compensation for your suffering.