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Our attorneys have dedicated their careers to assisting people whose lives were forever changed in the attacks and the aftermath. We understand the various eligibility requirements and we help clients navigate the process with experience and personal attention.


A gray and black image representing breast cancer
$3+ Million Breast Cancer

Disabled Lower Manhattan corporate executive who developed 9/11 metastatic breast cancer

Grayscale image of a brain
$2.8 Million Brain & Endometrial Cancer

Wrongful death award on behalf of a makeup artist who owned a small business in Lower Manhattan and later developed metastatic cancers

Grayscale image of a brain
$2.8 Million Brain Cancer

Personal injury award with lost earnings for an area resident suffering from 9/11-related glioblastoma

Image of injured arm
$2.5 Million Traumatic Injury

Traumatic injury award for DSNY Sanitation Worker who fell into rubble while moving an aircraft tire at Ground Zero

a gray and black image of a stomach
$2.1 Million Stomach Cancer

Wrongful death award on behalf of a union hotel employee who died from 9/11-related stomach cancer

Grayscale image of a brain
$2 Million Brain & Prostate Cancer

NYPD Police Officer awarded for responding to the attacks and developing 9/11-related brain cancer

Gray, black, and brown image of a pancreas
$1.9+ Million Pancreatic Cancer

Wrongful death award on behalf of a JP Morgan Chase banker who was caught in the dust cloud on 9/11

A gray and black image representing breast cancer
$1.8 Million Breast Cancer

Wrongful death award on behalf of a Local 372 employee who worked near the WTC site on 9/11

Grayscale image of uterus
$1.8 Million Uterine Cancer

Wrongful death award on behalf of a federal employee who worked in Lower Manhattan and developed leiomyosarcoma, a rare 9/11-related cancer

Gray and black image cancer
$1.8 Million Lung Cancer

Wrongful death award on behalf of a union carpenter who worked on 9/11 cleanup efforts at Ground Zero and was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer

$1.4 Million Laryngeal Cancer

Wrongful death award on behalf of a Local 1 plumber who volunteered to recover bodies on 9/11

Grayscale image of a brain
$1.7 Million Brain Cancer

Expedited award for a New York State Supreme Court employee who was diagnosed with 9/11-related brain cancer

9/11 Lawyers Fighting For Our Neighbors

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5-Star Rated 9/11 Law Firm
Our law firm doesn’t have cases, it has clients, and we do whatever it takes to help them.
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