
WTC Health Program List of Covered Conditions

August 1, 2016
HomeBlogWTC Health Program List of Covered Conditions

Individuals suffering from the following physical health conditions may be eligible for free medical treatment through the World Trade Center Health Program and financial compensation through the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. In general, anyone who was present in Lower Manhattan below Canal Street, at the Fresh Kills landfill, on barges/trucks/piers along debris removal routes, the NYC Morgue, or at garages where emergency vehicles were cleaned between 9/11/01 and 5/30/02 may be eligible for free medical monitoring through the World Trade Center Health Program. Individuals who contracted one of the following covered illnesses listed on the WTC Health Program List of Covered Conditions may also be eligible for free treatment and medication, in addition to compensation through the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.

The WTC Health Program List of Covered Conditions is subject to change as the Health Program Administrator, Dr. John Howard, and the Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee continue to review research, statistics, and studies in order to identify new conditions for coverage.

For more information on the WTC Health Program List of Covered Conditions and 9/11 Victim Compensation, please contact Pitta & Baione LLP at 844-982-2667 or