
9/11 Cancer Victims Treated by WTCHP Have Increased Survival Rates

June 6, 2022
HomeBlog9/11 Cancer Victims Treated by WTCHP Have Increased Survival Rates

Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives from the horrific 9/11 terrorist attacks that took the world by storm more than two decades ago. Many individuals who survived or responded to the attacks now suffer from severe medical conditions as a result of having been exposed to 9/11 toxins. Some 9/11 toxin exposure victims may ultimately face a cancer diagnosis in the months or years to come. The fear of not knowing what is next is itself a burden to 9/11 victims who have already suffered more than enough.

While victims of 9/11 toxin exposure may suffer from cancer and other 9/11-related health conditions, there is hope for managing and treating these diseases. For example, a recent study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) concluded that 9/11 cancer victims who participate in the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) have a better chance of survival than others who are suffering from these related conditions in the general population of New York State.

The Benefits of Enrolling in the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP)

Cancer screening is critical to early detection, treatment, and survival. Without access to medical monitoring and treatment, many first responders and survivors may not be diagnosed with cancer early enough to prevent the disease from becoming terminal. As such, all eligible 9/11 toxin exposure victims should utilize the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP), through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), to ensure they receive adequate medical monitoring that screens for and treats 9/11-related conditions.

Findings of Recently Published 9/11 Study

In addition to finding that “…cancer patients have improved survival when participating in the medical monitoring and treatment program sponsored by the NIOSH WTC Health Program compared to the New York State general population,” the recently published study by the CDC revealed the following:

  • An increased risk of tonsil cancer in 9/11 workers – in comparison to the general population of New York State – was previously underreported;
  • Confirmation of prior findings that 9/11 workers have an elevated incidence of thyroid cancer, skin melanoma, and prostate cancer;
  • Confirmation of prior findings that revealed a reduced risk of lung cancer in the same 9/11 worker group, which may be the result of low smoking rates in this group in comparison to the general population;
  • No confirmation of prior findings that show an elevated risk for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or multiple myeloma in the 9/11 worker group; and
  • Identified shorter latency periods for prostate cancer and skin melanoma than was expected – and it should be noted that these findings support the need for further follow-up.

With regard to the study’s findings that there is an increased chance of survival for 9/11 workers who participate in the WTCHP versus cancer patients in the general New York population, 9/11 workers with prostate, lung, kidney, and colorectal cancer had mortality rates that were 26%-to-64% lower than those in the general population. Additionally, similar benefits were observed for 9/11 workers who were diagnosed with skin melanoma, multiple myeloma, esophageal cancer, and liver cancer.

The overall findings revealed in this study confirm the benefits of participation in the WTCHP. Because of the program’s success, 9/11 exposure victims are encouraged to seek medical monitoring through the WTCHP to ensure early detection of serious 9/11-related medical conditions such as cancer.

Contact the 9/11 Law Firm of Pitta & Baione Today

If you have been diagnosed with a 9/11-related health condition, you may be eligible to receive medical monitoring and treatment through the WTCHP. You may also be entitled to compensation through the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF). Because every situation is different, however, it is important to discuss your options with a seasoned 9/11 lawyer.

At Pitta & Baione, our team of 9/11 lawyers does nothing but protect the rights and interests of those who have been harmed by the 9/11 attacks. To schedule your free consultation, contact Pitta & Baione today by calling (844) 982-2667).

Doctor analyzing african american patient for health issues including 9/11 cancer